Corrafig's Monologue
⸺ (fieldnotes from life) ⸺
October 3, 2021
I had to cut my internet
I had to change my internet service provider and network technology. I loved my previous TeleWell TW-EV902 VDSL 2 modem/bridge due to size and simplicity. Now, I changed to cable internet and ISP sent me a modem.
Maybe not everyone has a server/network cabinet in living room, and has 1U height limitation for devices. I do have, and they sent me an oversized modem (60 mm high).
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August 29, 2021
Sniffing car tire (TPMS) data (and tracking cars)
Last year I was interested in what kind of 433 MHz data there is in the air. I placed one RTL-SDR (software-defined radio) to capture 433 MHz traffic with rtl_433 for 75 days. The antenna was attached to indoor window, and it wasn’t optimized for anything specific. Now, after 1 year I finally began to check the captured data.
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August 24, 2021
Saving JPEG 1 million times
One million is a nice round number and JPEG is lossy image compression. Do you have ever wondered what JPEG picture would look like if it gets saved 1,000,000 times?
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August 8, 2021
Ox-hugo friendly image resize in Hugo
I write content to this site with Org Mode, and export to Hugo with ox-hugo. Main images are in the org directory, and ox-hugo copies them to page bundle directories. I wanted to optimize image management and presentation and I had the following thoughts:
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July 17, 2021
Automatic xmodmap on keyboard connection
In continuation to my earlier post, this shows how I automated xmodmap with udev.
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